Tuesday 1 January 2013

Year in review…

My personal year in review

I was part of the way through the second year of uni, just finishing work experience for the course. Not much happened in this month that I can remember…
Using my facebook as a guide, I can see I was thinking about doing a different course in September. I went to Ewell Park and hand-fed squirrels, pigeons, ducks, swans and geese. I also updated my facebook almost everyday :s that’s a lot (to me). I also had 4 guinea pigs at that time and got a character on Skyrim to have Blacksmithing level 100 after having the game for around a month.

14th Feb- I completed Fallout New Vegas- the main storyline. It took me a while to get around to it because when completed, you can’t carry on the story afterwards, unlike Fallout 3. On 17th February I had my favourite guinea pig put to sleep :( she had cancer. She was 7 years old. It was a very sad time for all of us. This is what I remember the most about February. Also, it had 29 days. On 27th February I beat Matt for the first time ever at Company of Heroes.


In March was 3 birthdays in my family. For Matt’s birthday we went to visit his grandparents in Somerset. It’s a lovely, quiet place there. We hope to move to that area next year because it is near his grandparents and a third of the price of living here. I also saw Jupiter and Venus without using a telescope. That was really great, but sadly could not take any pictures of it.
I was told in March that I would struggle and be sad if I continued to do the course at uni in September…

April was uneventful I think, so let’s see what facebook says I did… I bought and built a Tervigon, got the new set of paints from Games Workshop, and some other models… Well that month wasn’t very eventful. April contains the anniversary of when I got engaged, not that it gets celebrated.

Another guinea pig lost in May :( Sudden death at 3 years 9 months old.
I went to a fancy dress party dressed as Abby fom NCIS. I baked some cakes, and some bread. Went to the British Wildlife Centre. In May is the anniversary of Matt asking me out.


In June, I had finished attending the uni course and was looking for full-time work, because I had no clue at all what would be happening in September. Would I be allowed back on the final top-up year of the course, or would they have turned me down?
I went to my first midnight release ever, the midnight release of the Warhammer 40k 6th edition core rulebook. It was fun. We also switched from BT to Virgin, seeing our available speeds increase from 1gb to 30gb! Actual download speed on BT was about 200kb/s, if lucky. Now on Virgin it ranges from 4gb upwards!

In July I baked some bread and some cakes. It was warm in July, and my two guinea pigs got hot and sleepy. I went to Brighton with Matt and beat the original Super Mario game on the original Gameboy. I also started to assist with Matt’s local scout group. I got the results of my course grade, a Pass, which according to certain teachers meant I would not be on the course at all in September. So I started trying to move and and get a full-time job, with not much luck. Having been in full-time education for many years, I have little experience or relevant qualifications. I would have liked to be self-employed, but I needed the security of  a proper, reliable job for mortgage applications.

August was plain. One of my guinea pigs turned 4, such a squishy cutie was she. I discovered even low, entry-level jobs want at least 2 years experience. Uni changed my UCAS status to CLEARING, meaning if I wanted to apply to any unis I had to pay £11 per uni, and could only apply to one at a time, and I wuoldn’t know if anywhere even had a place until September. So I gave up with that idea entirely. I also discovered that some not nice people had been downloading my facebook profile picture and uploading it to sites such as 9gag, LADbible, and other websites that did not attribute it to me at all. Thanks facebook, for allowing ANY picture to be downloaded by anyone who can see it…

Another of my guinea pigs passed away, this one was 7. Broke my heart to find her dead, she was lovely. I was down to just one guinea pig now. On a different note, in mid-September I received an email from uni, apparently they had increased the number of spaces on the course and I had one, which they decided in JULY, but didn’t actually bother to tell me until 2 weeks before the course started. Not fun. I spent about a week actually trying to track down people at uni to confirm that it wasn’t a mistake and I was actually on the course. I did complain a lot, rather vocally, about them not letting me know, and not giving me much time to sort out finance for the course. Quite a stressful month. My only piggie was now getting lonely, but having lots of cuddles! I also went to Games Day again this year, I love it, but because we went up there on a coach, it meant that we had to stick by their times, getting up at 5am, and waiting for the coach to take us back home. If we ever go again, I am very tempted to drive myself, although the petrol and parking is expensive.


I got a letter from the government, only granting me partial money for my disability, and nothing for the course fees until I could prove that I had a previous qualification… Oddly the disability money is only granted when there is proof of that, I don’t know, the government is confusing. On 13th October I got 2 young female guinea pigs for a breeding project for uni. They were originally kept at my granddads, but my parents allowed them home after Rios got depressed when she didn’t see them for 2 days, how sweet of her. She loved their company so much, they all moved in together. So small and scared, they are so different now.

Wow, November seems so far away, and at the same time it feels like it is still November. I borrowed a male guinea pig from uni to hopefully knock up my females. It saves having to buy a male and extra living quarters for him. I finally got my graduation certificate through, the proof that I needed of my previous qualification.

I aged up in December, and my 4 year old piggy got sick. She got worse and had to be put to sleep. A mixture of illnesses :( A very sad year. I didn’t buy anyone any xmas presents, and made Matt a cuddly toy bolter.


2012 has been a good and a bad year, some good things have happened. I hope 2013 is much better. And I hope my guinea pigs are pregnant. I am getting married next year, hopefully moving out before that, and hopefully finishing the uni course with a pass (a 3rd or higher).
Stay tuned…

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